Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tapping old emotions

I didn't like being in such a low point, but I think it was during this time that my greatest emotional expressive output was brought forth. I knew that when I was in a better place, that I would miss it.

These past few weeks have been a journey back to that place, but I don't know if it's worth the visit. But oh how I miss it...

Friday, June 3, 2011

The chase

The need to "find yourself" is always exhilarating, terrifying, and motivating. But it can also be quite exhausting and frustrating too.

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's never gonna be enough, is it?

No matter how many people care about me in my life, I still ultimately feel so alone.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rainy day

I've been running around so much that I really needed a rainy day like today to keep me at home and to stay put. I really need days like this to regroup.

The sound of the rain, the cars driving through it, and listening to Adele has brought me to a place that I forgot I could go to. Some emotionally rich place, where I wish words could describe. But in the meantime, I will just share it here. I miss being here. It's been so long. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Worst relationship dream ever:

I was showcased in a room for my single hood and the person talking about me was saying that I was trying to find my true love or something.

Next thing I know, my dad makes a deal that some older guy (or I think it was 2 men?) wants me and he pays my dad $320. I am sold for $320!

Then I panic at the fact that I now "belong" to this guy I don't know, and I tell my dad that I don't want to marry him because I don't even like him or any of the men that were in the room.

My dad tells me his reasoning was that he couldn't bare to see me single anymore and that he wanted me to have children already.

So the rest of the dream, I'm hoping to serendipitously find my true love. The first guy I ran into and tried to figure out if he was the one, was russian and didn't speak english, so I ruled him out.

Then I snapped out of the dream. WHEW, it's not real. I woke up feeling pretty startled, and I still feel that way even after sharing it people. EGAD. lol.

The fact of the matter is, I am paranoid that I will be single forever, but I don't want to just settle in any relationship, just to satisfy the status quo. The wanting of children is a toss-up, and wanting to get married is too. Simply finding someone that I care about is all that matters, and for some reason, it feels impossible, though everyone tells me that he's out there.